Orbital Elevator

“In the year 2086, mankind has successfully colonized the planet Mars. An orbital elevator, connecting Earth to Mars, was constructed to aid in the transport of materials quickly and safely. During a recent meteor shower, large sections of the elevator were damaged. Your mission is to guide the crate of materials safely through the elevator.”

Upward, ever upward…

We are proud to present Orbital Elevator. Our first in house game built from the ground up, players must guide a supply crate as high as they can! Debris and various obstacles have gathered to impede progress, but various power ups should help increase the potential for progress. Simply hold the left or right half of the screen to move the crate, and give it your best shot!

  • Infinite scrolling challenge with randomized obstacles and power ups
  • Worldwide leader board and achievement list
  • In-game store coming soon

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